Riverside Theatre Works is currently seeking actors/singers/dancers for their Spring production of “Cabaret.” RTW on Facebook.
“Cabaret” will be directed by Kevin Mark Kline, choreographed by Matt Romero and will include musical direction by Danielle Clougher. This fully immersive and engaging new “take” on the classic musical begins rehearsals in mid-February 2014 and performs May 9-18, 2014 at Riverside Theatre Works in Hyde Park, MA.
Auditions will be held on Saturday November 30 at 7:30pm and Thursday December 5 at 8:30pm.
Those interested in auditioning should email Director Kevin Mark Kline at to set up their audition appointment.
Singers should prepare two 16-32 bar selections from the musical theatre repertoire.
There will be a dance call for Emcee and Kit Kat Klub Boy-types. Please bring appropriate clothing. An accompanist will be provided. You may be asked to read sides from the musical.
Seeking the following roles ::
Kit Kat Klub Boys (20-40) – A VERY busy ensemble of Kit Kat Klub boys – will perform in the following production numbers: “Willkommen,” “Telephone Dance,” “Tomorrow Belongs To Me,” “The Money Song,” and “Sitting Pretty”. Will also double as feature characters throughout musical. Please note :: this particular production of “Cabaret” has a VERY BUSY male ensemble.
Master Of Ceremonies (18-40) – The host at the Kit Kat Klub. A song and dance man, quirky, mysterious, comical, biting, sexually ambiguous, naughty (but NOT raunchy) and bizarre. Can do German accent. (Please Note – we are not seeking to duplicate the characterization portrayed by Alan Cumming from the most recent Broadway revival) – Tenor (Middle C to High A Flat)
Clifford Bradshaw (20-35) – An American novelist and our story’s romantic lead. The world of Cabaret is scene through his eyes. Pleasant looking, intelligent, reserved, and possibly bisexual. Tenor (Low A to High E)
Fräulein Schneider (40+) – A landlady who rents rooms in her large flat. Strong, solid, stalwart, rough, world-weary, full of vitality, interested in everything, indestructible. Can do German accent. Alto (Low D to A Flat Above Middle C)
Herr Rudolph Schultz (40+) – One of Schneider’s roomers and the proprietor of a fruit shop. German/Jewish. Sweet, loving, honest, charming, likable. Limited dancing. German accent. Tenor (Low G to High F)
Ernst Ludwig (20-35) – A friendly and likable German and Nazi sympathizer. A streetwise smuggler who knows everyone and likes to party. Means well but is misguided. Everyone’s best friend. The guy you want to have a beer with. German accent. No dancing required.