(L-R) Jenine Florence Jacinto, Anderson Stinson III, Jay Connolly, Schanaya Barrows (Photo by Erin Crowley)
Presented by Company One Theatre in partnership with the Boston Public Library and The Theater Offensive
Written by M. Sloth Levine
Directed by Josh Glenn-Kayden
Dramaturgy by Regine Vital
January 26 – February 24, 2024
Rabb Hall
Boston Public Library, Central Branch
Boston, MA 02116
FREE with Pay-What-You-Want tickets
Content Warning: substance use, swearing, references to child abuse, abduction, and trauma.
Production has sequences with flashing lights.
Critique by Kitty Drexel
“An interrobang [in-TER-eh-bang] is a nonstandard double punctuation mark that combines the functions and glyphs of an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) into one form: ‽. It indicates a sentence that is both a question and an exclamation, expressing surprise or disbelief.”
“What Is an Interrobang?! Definition and Examples” by Kelly Konya: https://www.grammarly.com/. Last updated on January 3, 2024.
BOSTON, Mass. — The Interrobangers is a queer play for the queer community. It does not adhere to the traditional European, three-act play format. Traditional narratives don’t include us, so they don’t apply to us.
Welcome, allies. Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night. Continue reading