Yvette Freeman and Corey Allen in August Wilson’s MA RAINEY’S BLACK BOTTOM. March 9 – April 8, 2012 at the BU Theatre. huntingtontheatre.org. Photo: T. Charles Erickson.
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom by August Wilson, Huntington Theatre Company, 3/9/12-4/8/12, http://www.huntingtontheatre.org/season/production.aspx?id=10262&src=t.
Reviewed by Becca Kidwell
(Boston, MA) Music breathes and pulses as each note is played. The blues provide a voice for the inexpressible feelings of the human experience. The blues celebrate the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life in its entirety; it is neither surprising that the blues came out of the African American spiritual tradition, nor that soul, r&b, and hip-hop were derived from the blues and at the core of the best is the heart and soul of the artist. What happens when that soul is taken away? Can the heart survive?
This question permeates the existence of each of the characters in August Wilson’s play Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. Continue reading