Jun 02

“The Trouble with Tribbles” Seeks Out New Life in Classic Star Trek Episode

The Trouble with Tribbles
Presented by PMRP
Episode written by David Gerrold
Adapted and directed by Mindy Klenoff


Foley by Brad Smith

May 29 – 31, 2014
Unity Somerville
6 William St.
Somerville, MA
PMRP onFacebook

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Somerville) In her guest of honor speech at feminist sci-fi convention Wiscon, author N.K. Jemisin addressed the current social changes in the genre.  Prominent fans and writers in recent years have worked to promote more diverse stories in a field that most have believed to be largely dominated by white, heterosexual men.  “Go to sources of additional knowledge for fresh ammunition–” she advises those interested in broadening sci-fi and fantasy “–histories and analyses of the genre by people who see beyond the status quo, our genre elders, new sources of knowledge like ‘revisionist’ scholarship instead of the bullshit we all learned in school.” In this vein, The Post-Meridian Radio Players’ gender-swapped adaptation of The Trouble with Tribbles is not just a cute comedy but a revisionist take on one of sci-fi culture’s most beloved touchstones. Continue reading

May 09


The Trouble with Tribbles


For Immediate Release:

At the end of May the Post-Meridian Radio Players are proud to present the return of our gender-swapped interpretation of “The Trouble with Tribbles.”   A faithful reproduction of the original Star Trek episode, except with Captain Jane T. Kirk, Ms. Spock and Mr. Uhura.

Introduced to wide acclaim at the Arisia convention last January this show will have three new performances:
Friday, May 30, 2014 8pm
Saturday, May 31, 2014, 2pm
Saturday, May 31, 2014, 8pm
For those unfamiliar with the episode:

“A dispute over control of a planet brings Enterprise to a space station, where they must deal with Klingons, edgy Federation officials, and a previously-unknown species of small, unbearably cute, voraciously hungry and rapidly-multiplying furry creatures.”
—Plot summary from memory-alpha.org

The show will be at Unity Church at 6 William St. in Somerville, just a quick 5 min. walk from Davis Square on College Ave.  The show is free to attend although a $5 donation would be appreciated.

Seats will be first come-first served although you may reserve a spot ahead of time at

In addition, there will be a Q&A session with Director Mindy Klenoff after the May 30th performance.

The Post-Meridian Radio Players perform shows in the style of the Golden Age of Radio with actors in front of microphones and live sound effects performed on stage.  They have performed live shows since 2005 and have done everything from Sherlock Holmes to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  For more information please visit www.pmrp.org.