Liz Hayes* and Jordan Ahnquist*; Photo Credit: David Costa
Presented by Stoneham Theatre
by Theresa Rebeck
directed by Weylin Symes
Stoneham, MA
Sept. 12 – 29th, 2013
Stoneham Theatre on Facebook
Review by Craig Idlebrook
(Stoneham) You can create memorable characters on stage and just let them be who they are, and they can be like fun guests at a cocktail party, hilarious and aimless. Or you can create wooden characters on stage and then let them come at least somewhat to life, which can win you points among theatergoers who are just happy not to fall asleep in the second act. But it’s awfully difficult to create memorable characters and then let them struggle, flounder, and grow on stage.
Seminar at the Stoneham Theatre is that rare production that both piques our interest and takes us on a romp of a ride. It’s as if the production set off to check all the boxes for the checklist of good theater. Continue reading