Uncredited photo snagged from Larcom Theatre Facebook page.
Presented by Spectacle Management
By composer, lyricist and producer Neil Berg
Larcom Theatre
Beverly, MA
May 9th – May 11th, 2014
Larcom Theater on Facebook
Review by Craig Idlebrook
(Beverly, MA) It is regrettable that Broadway too often is a business for the young, as this cult of youth cuts out so many talented actors who have finely honed their abilities through years of practice. Instead of making use of this talent in New York, actors over 35 too often are shunted off to regional tours or repertory theaters.
The show Neil Berg’s 100 Years of Broadway, stopping in Beverly for the weekend, shows that New York’s loss is the country’s gain. A straightforward concert of some of Broadway’s most memorable tunes, this show smartly forgoes the spectacle that consumes cruise ship concerts to give the performers space to truly connect with their audience and showcase their abilities to entertain. Continue reading