Early Voting/Voting for the 2018 Midterm Elections

Your voice is important! Learn about early voting in Massachusetts  here: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/earlyvotingweb/earlyvotingsearch.aspx

For our friends outside of MA, here are other resources:
– Here is a USA.gov website that defines the elections but is otherwise unhelpfulhttps://www.usa.gov/midterm-state-and-local-elections#item-213832
– Here is a website that will lead you to your state elections website: https://www.usa.gov/election-office

Can’t vote early? Here is a link that will take you through the steps of discovering your options: https://www.usa.gov/election-office

Provisional ballots ensure that New England voters are not excluded from the voting process due to an administrative error. They provide a fail-safe mechanism for voters who arrive at the polls on Election Day and whose eligibility to vote is uncertain. You have the right to a provisional ballot! (except in New Hampshire where they don’t have them.)

While I have your attention!
Do you need govt. assisted healthcare through the American Healthcare Act? Open enrollment is Thursday, November 1, 2018, to Saturday, December 15, 2018. The current administration is attempting to undermine your right to healthcare under current law. Thwart them by sharing this information and the following website. https://www.healthcare.gov/get-coverage/

Queen’s Note: When you hit the polls on November 6, please take into account that Charlie Baker vetoed the arts budget in July 2018. It was the fourth time he’d done so. If you consider the arts one of your causes, additionally consider Baker’s cowardly actions when you vote.

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