Super Helpful Feedback From Collaborators*

My Dearest Readership,

Occasionally, we Geeks receive helpful feedback from collaborators. In the interest of transparency,  the juiciest tidbits are shared because we believe that constructive feedback can inspire growth of all artists. As per our reviewing policy, we believe that passive aggressive notes don’t.

For your reading pleasure, a recent submission without preamble.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Hank <>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: Schmondheim on Schmondheim press pass
To: T-Dizzle<t-dizzle at>

Just FYI, you’re the ONLY non-rave review.
Sorry you didn’t enjoy.


———- End forwarded message ———–

See? Helpful! And we’ve all learned a new lesson about the status quo.

With love unbounded,
Your Queen, Kitty
No feelings were harmed in the typing of this post.

*rabid sarcasm

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