Luke (Dan Roach, left) slips in a prayer before breakfast with his partner Adam (Will McGarrahan) in a scene from the SpeakEasy Stage Company production of Next Fall, running now thru Oct. 15 Photo: Craig Bailey/Perspective Photo.
Next Fall by Geoffrey Nauffts, Speakeasy Stage, Roberts Studio Theatre at the Boston Center for the Arts, 9/15/11-10/15/11, http://www.speakeasystage.com/doc.php?section=showpage&page=nextfall.
Reviewed by Becca Kidwell
“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” Thomas à Kempis
(Boston, MA) Moments pass in a heartbeat. All that’s left is waiting…waiting in hope…waiting in fear; the only choice is waiting together or waiting alone. Next Fall by Geoffrey Nauffts does not try to moralize or condescend; it leaves its audience with the hope that love will transcend all differences. The friends and family of the comatose Luke see the world through different viewpoints but connect at the core of their being–in love. Continue reading