Informal Enlightenment: EATING MY GARBAGE




Written and performed by David Mogolov
Directed by Steve Kleinedler
Music by Ryan Walsh and Evan Sicuranza

June 12th through June 20th, 2014
Davis Square Theatre
255 Elm Street
Somerville, MA 02114
Mogolov on Facebook

Review by Craig Idlebrook



(Somerville) In the midst of the blockbuster movie season, it’s quite refreshing to see the captivating power of good storytelling. With his one-person play, Eating My Garbage, David Mogolov owns the stage, despite an absence of blocking, props, and special effects, by letting us get a clear picture of how his unique synapses fire to draw quirky insight into the human condition.

Throughout an hour-long monologue, Mogolov begins his yarn with a pollster asking him if the country is going in the right direction, and then slowly and deftly pulls back to extrapolate greater social meaning from the quirky choices we make in life. He persuasively illustrates his central theme, that we are inherently irrational creatures who like to believe we make rational choices, by mixing mini-rants about the Kafkaesque political environment with his own personal foibles. By sharing how he is no smarter or more logical than the Byzantine political system Mogolov keeps this pleasant show from descending into a diatribe. In his comic delivery, he deftly weaves between being a political firebrand and being the most interesting guest at the party. In the end he can’t quite nail the landing in tying his story together, but by then he has already solidified his status as a master weaver of stories.

Each night, the show is opened by a different storyteller. On this night (6/13), Rachel Klein set the evening off on the right foot with a well-delivered story about how she came to the decision to join an extremely conservative Jewish community, and then her decision several years later to leave. Klein was funny and frank, and somehow managed to share lessons learned without bitterness or remorse. The highlight of the evening was when Mogolov took time to discuss with Klein her story. The two traded insights and riffed off each other, two comedic talents feeling safe enough in each other’s presence to be on top of their game. It was a reminder that storytelling is a well-honed craft that only requires honesty and a lifetime of practice.

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