Promo: “Sindependence Day III: Stumbling Up to Boston”


The Federation of Belligerent Writers Presents Sindependence Day III: Stumbling Up to Boston
Davis Square Theatre in Somerville
Saturday, July 16th
Doors at 9pm, 21+
$13.50 online, $15 at the door.

Promo by Gillian “Demoness Bixen” Daniels

(Somerville, MAThe Federation of Belligerent Writers is taking on Boston! Come party with us Saturday, July 16th, at 9pm, Davis Square Theatre in Somerville for our special event, Sindependence Day!

We’re a bracketed style, masked writing tournament. With one foot in improv and the other in mayhem, the initially luchador wrestling-inspired contest began as a mid-week open mic challenge at Ralph’s Rock Diner in Worcester.

It’s since grown to a weekend event with hundreds of fans.

The tournament is simple. During each round, two competitors take the stage, one in the red corner, the other in the blue. Three words are chosen at random by hosts Cassie Tai Tortorici as “Basic Bitch Becky,” a Starbucks-swilling, foul-mouthed stage manager, and Ethan White as “El Locutor Fabulso,” the allegedly-impartial verbal sparring partner to Becky, also known as “That Guy.”

They fight, they MC, and they encourage sin and dance parties.

Competing writers have five minutes to write virtually anything in any style within the scope of their characters as long as they use said words. During the round, the audience is encouraged to throw balls at the stage, dance, drink, chant, and gloriously distract.

At the end of five minutes, each writer is asked to share what they’ve committed to paper, laptop, or memory. Then, with the help of a two-sided red vs. blue sign provided at the outset of the tournament, the audience votes on who will advance and who will not.

The winner of the tournament is given the Federation of Belligerent Writers’ belt, the Tiny Hat of Mischief, and a spot in the Season Finale Bracket at November to Dismember!

Right now, there are thirty active writers in the Federation. On Saturday, July 16th, Boston will meet the following:
Match One: Princess Consuela Bananahammock vs. Ronalda, Intergalatic Super-Pimp
The friendship-wielding, butt-possessed princess will fight the CEO pimp who is “all about spread ze love!”

Match Two: Scoff Wellington vs. Eddie, the Anti-Drug Iguana
The most British stuffed-shirt one will ever meet goes head to head with the world’s worst, least sober sobriety animal mascot!

Match Three: Grandmaster Toro vs. FAMOUS MONSTER
A rapping man-bull against a leonine dictator!

Match Four: The Thug Pirate Roberts vs. El Rey de Algo
The high-seas, Princess Bride inspired thug against a mental patient who’s king of his own world!

Grudge Match One: Bronan the Brobarian vs. Ricky the Red Shirt
The bro-iest, friendliest of barbarians fights a space explorer scout doomed because of the color of his uniform!

Grudge Match Two: Father Angel vs. The Almighty Truth
A battle for souls, truth, and the right to party!

Along with throwing things and yelling vulgarity, prepare for costumed chaos and laughter. It’s what makes Federation of Belligerent Writers what it is. At long last, that raucous joy gets to be shared with you.


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