Jun 13

Something to Think About: “Doubles, Demons, and Dreamers”

image taken from Sleeping Weasel FB page

image taken from Sleeping Weasel FB page

Presented by Sleeping Weazel Productions
Ugmo and Eenie Go Down the Ruski Hole
Written and directed by Kenneth Prestininzi

June 12-21, 2014
Boston Center for the Arts
Boston, MA
Sleeping Weazel on Facebook
Johnny Blazes on Facebook

Review by Danielle Rosvally

(Boston) As a heterosexual cisgendered woman living in what essentially constitutes the suburbs of a low-key city like Boston, it’s easy to let things like Pride Week fall off my radar. As such, it took the reminder of my accompanying companion and a couple of big honking rainbow flags spotted on the way to BCA to remind me what time of the year it was. In a lot of ways, this situation is allegorical to the overall message of the current incarnation of Doubles, Demons, and Dreamers.
Continue reading

Jun 02

It’s Been Real: REAL REALISM

presented by Sleeping Weazel
written by Charlotte Meehan directed by Vanessa Gilbert
May 31–June 1 and June 6–June 8, 2013
Boston, MA
Sleeping Weasel Facebook Page
Review by Nicola McEldowney
(Boston) Seeing a new or unfamiliar play always gets your imagination rolling in new ways. That’s the beauty of the experience, almost regardless of the play. But Charlotte Meehan’s Real Realism – playing at the Factory Theatre this weekend and next – is so rich in its unpredictability that it takes your imagination on a joyride. Continue reading