Oct 15

The Boston Babydolls and “The Wrathskellar”

Photo credit: The Boston Babydolls

presented by The Boston Babydolls
October 28, 2012 to October 5, 2012
The Davis Square Theatre
255 Elm Street, Somerville, MA

The Boston Babydolls Facebook Page

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Somerville) The Boston Babydolls are out for an immersive burlesque experience. The striptease doesn’t begin when the women take the stage but when the audience find the door.

Theater-goers are greeted by a street musician at the mouth of a misty alleyway and directed to the stairs. There, they may be met by Herr Bücher (Scratch, narrator and director) who is dressed with all the subtlety of Alice Cooper. Which ever guide is doing the greeting, one will be directed down the stairs to The Wrathskellar. Continue reading